GET A DELIVERY QUOTE Desired Pick-Up Date * MM DD YYYY Desire Delivery Date * MM DD YYYY Approximate Weight * Select Approximate Weight Under 40 lbs. 40-75 lbs. Over 75 lbs. Delivery Item(s) * Select Basic Description Envelope Box Pallet Other (see note) Other If "Other" was selected for Delivery Item, please provide a brief description of the item(s) to be delivered. SENDER IINFORMATION Sender Company Name * Sender Contact Name * First Name Last Name Sender Contact Phone * (###) ### #### Sender Contact Email * Sender Website http:// Sender Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country RECIPIENT INFORMATION Recipient Company Name * Recipient Contact Name * First Name Last Name Recipient Contact Phone * (###) ### #### Recipient Contact Email * Recipient Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country SPECIAL NOTES Please write any special pick-up and delivery notes here: Thank you! We received your quote request and a friendly USendUs account executive will contact you with a quote and/or to get more clarity on your request.